
Here's a documentation on Zk traders Keeper

ZK traders Options Keeper Documentation


The ZK Traders Options Keeper is an essential component designed to manage and maintain the expiry and exercising of options within the zk sync platform. This documentation provides insights into the functionalities and responsibilities of the Options Keeper.

Key Responsibilities

1. Expiry Management

  • Monitoring Option Expiry: The Options Keeper monitors the expiration dates of options contracts within the platform.

  • Notifying Expiry: Notifies users and the system of approaching option expiry to facilitate timely actions.

2. Exercising Options

  • Facilitating Exercise: Initiates and oversees the process of exercising options contracts upon their maturity.

  • Ensuring Fairness: Ensures options are exercised according to predefined rules and market conditions.

How the Options Keeper Operates

  1. 1.Expiry Management

    • Monitoring: The Options Keeper continuously tracks the expiration timestamps of active options contracts.

    • Notification: Notifies users and the system about approaching expiry, enabling users to take necessary actions.

  2. 2.Exercising Options

    • Verification: Validates market conditions and user permissions for exercising options.

    • Execution: Executes the exercise process for matured options, ensuring fair and accurate handling.

3. Pyth Oracle Price Updates

  • Periodic Price Refresh: The Options Keeper updates Pyth Oracle prices periodically to ensure accuracy in asset valuation.

  • Ensuring Accurate Valuation: By updating prices, it maintains precision in valuing assets for options exercising and related calculations.

Benefits and Importance

  1. 1.Timely Management: Keeps the platform's options contracts up-to-date, preventing unwanted expiration without action.

  2. 2.Fairness and Transparency: Ensures that options exercise follows predefined rules, maintaining fairness for all users.

  3. 3.User Confidence: Provides users with confidence in the platform's management of options, fostering trust and reliability.

Last updated