💦Liquidity pools


ZK traders Staking Pool is a decentralized platform where users can stake their tokens to contribute to the liquidity and trading volume on our platform. In return, stakers are eligible to earn a share of the trading fees generated by the platform and a portion of traders' profits and losses (PNL).Key Benefits

  • Earn Passive Income: By staking your tokens, you can passively earn a share of trading fees and traders' PNL.

  • Contribute to Liquidity: Your staked tokens help provide liquidity to the platform, enhancing the trading experience for all users.

  • No Active Trading Required: Staking allows you to benefit from the platform's performance without actively trading.

  • Flexibility: You can withdraw your staked tokens at any time, providing flexibility in managing your asset

ZK Traders provides pools that serves as the power house of the entire leverage trading, with high APRs from earning rewards in the form of WETH and USDC. the following pools will be listed :

  • WETH Pool

  • DAI Pool

  • USDC Pool

WETH, DAI & USDC pool pays trader profits and receives their losses, while the GRIM pools will receive a share of revenue in WETH/USDC


By depositing into a pool, users stakes will pay out potential trader profits. In exchange, you'll receive a portion of trader losses and liquidations based on your share of the pool. Risk : Staking in to the pools is not risk-free. There can be prolonged periods of time where traders in aggregate make profits, which can deplete the capital you deposit into the pool


Users can withdraw their staked amount from a pool at any give time provided the cooldown period has passed since their last deposit (which is usually a few hours).​


Pooling is not risk-free. There can be prolonged periods of time where traders in aggregate make profits, which can deplete the capital you deposit into the pool. Consider all of these risks before depositing. Only deposit capital you can afford to lose.

Share Calculation

Your pool share is equal to your pool balance divided by the total balance. Deposits by other liquidity providers will dilute your pool share while withdrawals will increase it

Last updated